Future Generation of Bangladesh. Millions of children are drinking arsenic
contaminated water – 10-200 times higher than WHO’s allowable standard. About 50 million population of Bangladesh is drinking poisonous water. Either any resolution at Johannesburg (Sept. 2002) or any mitigation activities that can achieve poison free water.

The principal objectives of the project are to introduce environmental consciousness education, cost-effective, efficient, user friendly and appropriate method of water purification, arsenic free water for the improvement of public health and overall protection of the environment.

The followings are the output of the project:

  • The benefits of this pilot project have reached approximately 10,000 populations in Faridpur.
  • This is the first time high school student and their teachers have participated in environment studies and have been able to identify their role in obtaining arsenic and disease free water.
  • Participants of about six thousands students in high schools and two primary schools are now drinking arsenic free and disease free water.
  • Traditional clay pottery is revived and pottery makers are motivated to produce cheap earth made filters to be used and sold in the local markets.
  • The project leader has located geological closed aquifers that produce arsenic free water within a contaminated area.
  • It was possible to make drinking water, free of arsenic and disease, available for an entire village of about 4500 populations. Previously there were several deaths and many suffered from arsenic contamination in this village.
  • Our qualitative analysis shows that TSP fertilisers contain a very high amount of arsenic. We strongly recommend Agricultural Department to take necessary action to stop ground water contamination.
  • Rainwater harvesting has been successful and participated by local population with equal enthusiasm.

The message and activities on environment consciousness education, using traditional method to purify water, rainwater harvesting, arsenic and bacteria free water and cultural gatherings addressing the rural population were immense.

We have spent less than 10, 00000 Tk.(1 US Dollar = 60 Tk.). We hope that the Government and NGOs will follow our model, which is inexpensive, effective, and user friendly. Thousands of villages still remained untreated – waiting for help (SOS)!


  1. Introduction
  2. Area of the Project
  3. Environmental Awareness Education
  4. Open Dug Holes
    1. Bacterological study
  5. Water Filtration
  6. Identification of Facies in Contaminated Area
  7. Rainwater Collection and Filtration
  8. Arsenic Test
  9. Analysis of Selected Samples
  10. Desinfection
  11. Water Filter with local materials
  12. Arsenic Free Village
  13. Home Garden
    1. Plantation of neem trees
  14. Social and Cultural Event
  15. Social Injustice
  16. Conclusion

Those who have skin lesion easy to convince them to drink safe water,
but those who do not have skin lesion, think this will not happen to them.
Awareness and education should spread all over the country

1. Introduction

This project is different than other projects. We have introduced traditional methods, environmental consciousness education to school children, teachers and villagers. This extraordinary project is based on traditional wisdom of the rural population of Bangladesh to help the poorest group with meaningful assistance that can reproduce and distribute the knowledge to others not only to obtain arsenic free water but also sustainable development of social, cultural and traditional heritage.

A study in Thailand shows that drinking arsenic contaminated water influences children’s intelligence. The study of intelligence levels among case and control alerts us that the arsenic contamination and poisoning is not limited to the Ronpibool District but is spreading to the district of Sao-tong and possibly several more. At a certain level, arsenic has a significant effect on the children's development and learning abilities of children as shown from the IQ study (Chanpen Choprapawon, 2001).

After reviewing present situation on the basis of people’s educational background, acceptability and tradition the following aims of the project were in background:

In Bangladesh most of the rural population is still uneducated and most of the arsenic mitigation projects have been failed. Teachers and students are targeted for environmental education and can make greater impact on their parents.

Our goal is to transfer knowledge on water, air, and soil – special emphasis on water. How to combat present disastrous situation through arsenic poisoning.

Remove social isolation of arsenic affected students.

Enhance traditional wisdom to combat arsenic poisoning and environmental degradation in rural Bangladesh

Priority of the project is to give people an immediate cheap solution. Our studies show that “Open Dug Holes” with filters is the simplest solution. But we aim to obtain waterborne disease free water at affordable means.

Rain water harvesting with affordable means.

To find out alternative arsenic free water. Experience has shown that tube wells near water pond contains less arsenic, at particular depth water is arsenic free, aquifer on channel sand in particular area arsenic free etc.

Simple mix media sand filter can reduce arsenic concentration and remove biological contamination.

Introduce Village Home garden for medical and bio-pesticide production. Home garden represents the blending of knowledge gained by ecologists studying the dynamics and stability of tropical ecosystems with the knowledge of farmers and agronomists on how to manage the complexities of food producing ecosystems.

Women’s participatation.

Cultural and traditional heritage.

Stop using aluminium, polythene products and use of natural products.

The following items are the milestones of the project (March 8 to April 23, 20002 and 20thJune to 4th August 2002):

  1. Environment Consciousness Education for school students and teachers
  2. Selection of location after drilling and construction of Dug Wells.
  3. Dug well filter and pump
  4. Identification of facies change within contaminated area and locate and construct arsenic free wells
  5. Rainwater collection (harvesting) and filtration
  6. Water Filter with local materials
  7. Arsenic Free Village.

we have introduced 24 arsenic free water units, 107 rain- water harvesting units, mix sand filter in Kaniaipur Union, Khalilpur Union, Ambikapur Union, Koizuri Union of Faridpur District.



Dug well/cost

Rainwater harvest

Pond water Filter


NGO Forum


Tk. 40, 000-60,000*

Tk. 30,000*

Or above

1, 00000 –

2, 00000*

All instalments are abandoned due to ill planning and construction.

DPHE, Department of Public health and Engineering, BAM

Tk. 40, 000-60,000*

Tk. 30,000*

or above

1, 00000 –

2, 00000

As above. Most of the deep tube wells in Faridpur are very highly contaminated. Villagers are not informed

This Pilot Project

Tk. 10, 000 – 15,000

Tk. 1, 500


No pond water, as people rejects because of biological, aquaculture and agrochemical contamination

10 to 20 thousands are drinking arsenic free water. Education and Awareness

* This is difficult to know the exact figure, as officially they did not publish the expenses.

Infants and young children can be more vulnerable to chemicals and other pollutants in the food they eat because pollutants can impact their developing systems resulting in lifelong effects. Children also eat three to four times more food in proportion to their body size than adults, which means they ingest proportionately more chemical and infectious agents.  Children are also more likely to eat with unwashed hands and to ingest food that has been in contact with the ground or floor, thus increasing their exposure to foreign substances.

Infants and young children also have a less varied diet, relying more on fruit and milk products, which can greatly increase their exposure to certain environmental contaminants. You can prevent environmental risks to your children by ensuring they have a balanced diet with good nutrition, and avoid eating large quantities of foods with potentially high levels of pollutants.

The principal goal of this project is to introduce environmental consciousness education, least cost-effective, efficient and appropriate method of water purification, arsenic removable, health and disposal in the light of adaptability, social acceptance, sustainability and easy reproducibility within Bangladesh environment:

  • Awareness through environmental education will not only create sustainable development and protect health but will also lead to successful arsenic mitigation projects;
  • The only way to ensure safe water is definite steps in the project that safeguard quality of water;
  • Teachers and students are the most powerful ambassadors of present and future generation in a country where majority of the population is analphabetic.
  • >Regain traditional wisdom and peoples acceptability on the quality of water and methods of purification;
  • Alternative water (arsenic free);
  • Dug wells water pumps with special emphasizes to obtain water bacteria and arsenic free for students;
  • Biological method of water purification;
  • Cheapest disinfection (removal of pathogenic bacteria and viruses) method of water purification;
  • New place of tube wells. If tube well in a closed geological formation, low arsenic, aquifer on channel sand etc. advise to shift other tube wells to this site;
  • Introducing inexpensive sand filter using local clay pot, sand (and charcoal, if water is contaminated with pesticides, etc.). Cleaning, maintenance and self-production of sand filter, which can be easily, reproduce all over the country.
  • Women for water sharing;
  • Innovating clay potters to introduce optimal water containers and sand filters;
  • Disposal of arsenic precipitates in cow-dung pits or sanitary.
  • Introduction of bio-pesticides and additional income through home- garden.
  • Stop using polythene and aluminium products. Export of natural sustainable products from villages to cities.

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2. Area of the project

Arsenic panic in Faridpur

British Geological survey (1998) has compiled nation-wide distribution of arsenic in groundwater at union level on computer and geocoded to thana (Police Station) level that indicates that southwest region is extensively contaminated. The most intensely contaminated areas are found along the Lower Meghna in the greater districts of Comilla, Noakhali, Kustia and Faridpur. But more arsenic contaminated areas are discovered after water test. Faridpur is one of the “hotspots” - worst arsenic affected areas of Bangladesh.

Arsenic panic has gripped the entire Faridpur district as waters in most of the tubewells are found to be arsenic contaminated. Ten persons including three of a family died of arsenic contamination at villages Domrakandi, Tambul Khana, Ambikapur and Gangabardi in Sadar upazila. Anwar Molla and his two sons Shahid Molla and Azaher Mollah are among the 10 victims of arsenic contamination. More than 100 persons have been attacked with arsenic related diseases, some fatally.

A survey conducted recently by a Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) has revealed that waters in most of the tube-wells in the four aforesaid villages contain excessive arsenic which is very injurious to human body. The relevant authority of the government should conduct an accurate survey immediately and take steps to avert the danger of arsenic. (The Daily Star, 2002 )

We have also selected this area for arsenic mitigation and environment consciousness education.

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3. Environmental awareness education

Practical and theoretical courses

Education and Awareness is the key to success. Students participated the programme with very keen interest – discussed with their parents and neighbours, distributed leaflets, composed and produced drama, variety shows relating environmental issues to protect their health and environment.

You can support the students by sending books, type writer, old computers or any kind in the following address:

  1. Environmental Protection Committee
    Ansaruddin High School,
    Village Ambikapur
    PO Ambikapur, Faridpur
  2. Environmental Protection Committee
    Demrakandi High School,
    Village Demrakandi
    PO Koziri, Faridpur
  3. Environmental Protection Committee
  4. Kanaipur High School,
    Village Kanipur
    PO Kanipur, Faridpur
  5. Environmental Protection Committee
  6. Khalilpur High School,
    Village Khalilpur
    PO Khalilpur Faridpur

Environmental Consciousness Education in Schools

We intended to transferred knowledge as far as possible to the students and teachers as mentioned above. 108 pages of educational material for students and teachers and charts were prepared and distributed among students and teachers he students of class nine and nine were invited to attend the course. The response was great. In some schools, we could not provide room. Students liked outdoor practical classes. More than 60 percent students were women.

The following schools participated the course:

  1. Demrakandi Primary and High School
    Koijori Union, Faridpur.
  2. Khalilpur Primary and High school
    Khalilpur Union, Khalilpur, Faridpur
  3. Ansaruddin High school
    Ambikapur Union,Faridpur
  4. Kanaipur Primary and High School
    Kanaipur Union, Faridpur

Students are asking many questions:

  • How safe is my drinking water?
  • What can I do, if arsenic is in my tube well?
  • Where does my drinking water come from, and how does it get to my home?
  • My water may be safe now, but what about in the future?
  • What can I do to help protect my drinking water?

We provided simple but important features to protect water:

  • Drinking water comes from surface water and ground water. Large-scale water supply systems tend to rely on surface water resources, and smaller water systems tend to use ground water.
  • The contaminants in drinking water are quite varied and can cause a range of diseases in children, including cancer, developmental effects such as learning disorders, and acute diseases such as gastrointestinal illness. Children are particularly sensitive to microbial contaminants because their immune systems may be less well developed than those of most adults. Children are sensitive to lead, which affects brain development, and to nitrates, which can cause methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome).
  • Microbiological and chemical contaminants can enter water supplies. These materials can be the result of human activity or can be found in nature. For instance, chemicals can migrate from disposal sites and contaminate sources of drinking water. Animal wastes and pesticides may be carried to lakes and streams by rainfall runoff or snow melt. Human wastes may be discharged to receiving waters that ultimately flow to water bodies used for drinking water. Coliform bacteria from human and animal wastes may be found in drinking water if the water is not properly treated or disinfected. These bacteria are used as indicators that other harmful organisms may be in the water.
  • You can protect your water supply by carefully managing activities near the water source. For households using a domestic well, this includes keeping contaminants away from sinkholes and the well itself. Hazardous chemicals also should be kept out of septic systems.
  • Source water protection works by involving all members of the community. Citizens can voice their support for controlling how land is used near drinking water intakes.
  • Students can also educate their neighbours about the danger that household chemicals pose to drinking water supplies. Many communities sponsor household hazardous waste disposal days to promote proper handling of waste paints and thinners, pesticides, used oil, and other hazardous materials.

To protect public health and the environment from the risks posed by pesticides and to promote safer means of pest control In Bangladesh several people dies because of pesticide poisoning. Many traders use pesticides to conserve dry fish, rice and lentils in Bangladesh.

Student of Khalilpur High School, Primary School drinking
arsenic and disease free water

About 280 students participated practical and theoretical 24 hours courses in all four schools. We intended to address the course to Primary School Teachers but Faridpur District Education Board did not instruct the teachers to attend the course.

An eleven member Environment Protection Committee has elected by the students in all schools. The students made drama on water problem. Each School has signboard of “Environment Protection Committee” at the entry of the school. The Environmental Committee are as follows:

  1. Ansaruddin High School Environment Protection Committee
    Convenor: Yasmin Akhtar,Ambikapur, and Faridpur
  2. Demrakandi High School Environment Protection Committee
    Convenor: Asim Kumar, Demrakandi High school, Demrakandi, Faridpur
  3. Khalilpur High School Environment Protection Committee
    Convenor: Moniruzaman, Khalilpur High School, Khalilpur, Faridpur
  4. Kanaipur High School Environment Protection Committee
    Convenor: Md. Salauddin, Kanaipur High School, Kanaipur, and Faridpur.

Visit to Faridpur Water Supply

On 28th July 2002 about 350 students and teachers visited Faridpur Water Supply. Executive Engineer of the Water Supply explained the students and teachers the function of water supply:

  • Deep tube wells collecting water for Faridpur city;
  • Water purification units – oxidation, sedimentation, disinfection.
  • Pumping water to a tank for city supply
  • Back-washing of filter.
  • Arsenic tests.

Arsenic sludge backwashed and dispose of
nearby Kumar River without treatment.
This was the first time that students ever
visited a water supply.

Demonstration by the Students

After visiting the water supply the students and teachers with environmental banners and slogans demonstrated Faridpur city. Demonstration ended at village Ambikapur, where they visited Kumar River and a musical picnic decorated the day. The students demanded:

  • Arsenic free water for all villages in Bangladesh
  • Stop using arsenic contaminated water for agriculture
  • Stop and remove all hazardous pesticides
  • Reconstruct Kumar River
  • Surface water irrigation
  • Allow floodwater irrigation etc.

Examination and Certificate

On 24th July 2002 an examination of “Environmental Consciousness Education” was held in all schools. On 28th July 2002 honourable Minister for Environment and Forestry, Mr. Shajahan Siraj, M. P. and honourable Minister for Disaster, Relief and Rehabitation, Mr. Chowdury Kamal Ibne Yusuf, MP distributed the certificates to all successful students.


We have visited several schools of Faridpur District. Some School committees were reluctant to take part with the project. It seems that committee members of some schools want personal benefits e. g. Shibrampur High School, Union Ambikapur, Rousennessa Primary School, Shameshpur, Union Koijori although the students are drinking highly contaminated water.

The course has no compulsory binding but attendance is very high. The students took keen interest on outdoor studies. Lectures from local doctors, dug hole constructors, rainwater constructors, clay potters and farmers etc. made the course lively and easy understandable. The female students took more interest and stated that if they knew these aspects they would have taken science as a major subject. . Students show keen interest in out door courses.

Teachers are busy with coaching centres. Only a few teachers attended the course.

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4. Open dug holes

Dug Wells linked with hand-pump.

An Easy Alternative to Obtain Arsenic Free Water

Our studies show that dug wells do not contain arsenic (very low), where as neighbouring tube wells contain extremely high amount of arsenic in water. "Dug well" is an indigenous technology and social acceptance is very high and can be constructed with local available source.

Construction of Dug Wells

The construction of dug wells that existed 30 years ago almost vanished from the country. Advantage of dug wells is:

  • Dug wells are indigenous technology in Bangladesh.
  • The wells are cheaper and easier to construct and less susceptible to bacteriological contamination (BRAC, August 2000).
  • Natural biological filtration occur, when water percolates through sand bodies (develop microbial flora whose metabolism contributes to the effectiveness of removing effluents)
  • In dug wells within the standing water simple sedimentation take place and has been found frequently a substantial reduction in BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand).
  • Natural iron coagulation and settlement occur within standing water (decrease in arsenic, suspended solids, ammonia, nitrate and phosphate content).

List of dug wells constructed

Selection of location after drilling geological formation and construction of Dug Wells:

The following areas have been selected after several drilling and formation evaluation:

  1. Demrakandi Primary and High School
  2. Khalilpur Primary and High school
  3. Kanipur Primary and High School
  4. Mirgi Primary School
  5. Muraridaha – Premise of Hanif Mollah
  6. Khalilpur Bazar 1* (failure due to collapsing wall)
  7. Khalilpur Bazar 2
  8. Ambikapur Jasimuddin’s Fair Field
  9. Jafar Matbar – Village Pubogangabarti
  10. Kader Matbar - Village Pubogangabarti
  11. Lalon matbar - Village Pubogangabarti
  12. Khaleque Miah - Village Pubogangabarti
  13. Rashid Mridha - Village Pubogangabarti
  14. Mallikpur – Majhi Bari
  15. Sk. Shaid – Purbogangabarti
  • Badarpur Bazar - Muraridaha
  • Dalim Sk- Purbogangabarti
  • Nanigopal Pal –Mallikpur, Krisnanagar
  • Mallikpur -Kumar bari
  • Ayub Ali- Muraridha
  • Khalilpur – Kumar bari
  • Bhibhuti Sarkar_ Muraridaha
  • Bishnath Sarkar – Khalilpur
  • Nitai Chandra Das –Khalilpur
  • Dug Wells are almost Arsenic free but hand tube wells are highly contaminated

    4.1 Bacteriological Study

    Readycult coliforms 100 by Merck enable selective enrichment both for the simultaneous detection of total coliforms and E-coli bacterlogical water examination.

    The high nutritional quality of the peptones and the incorporated phosphate buffer guarantee rapid growth of coliforms whereas laurylsifate largely inhibits the accompanying flora, especially the gram-positive. By adding the chromogenic substrate X-GAL, which is cleaved by coliforms with fluorgenic substrate MUG that is highly specific for E. coli the simultaneous detection of total coliforms, and E. coli is possible. A blue-green colour of both and E. coli indicate the presence of total coliforms by a blue fluorescence under UV-light.

    The following result is obtained samples analysed from existing river, pond, dug well and rainwater:


    Total Colioform


    Kumar River 1 Ambika.



    Kumar River2 Khalilpur



    Kumar River3 Mallikpur



    KumarRiver4 Faridpur



    Pond1 Ambika



    Pond2 Faridpur



    Pond3 Purboganga



    Pond 4 Tulagram



    Rain Water1



    Rain Water2



    Rain Water3



    Rain Water 2



    Rain Water 3



    Dug Well 1 (before disinfection)



    Dug Well 2 (before disinfection)



    Dug Well  3 before disinfection)



    The result obtained after disinfection from all dug wells constructed/reconstructed:

    Samples dug holes

    Total Colioform

    E- Coli


    - (absent)

    - (absent)





































































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    5. Water filtration

    In very shallow aquifers, bacterial contamination is possible, and even likely if the wellhead is poorly protected. In addition to arsenic, other inorganic constituents in groundwater can cause health or aesthetic problems, notably iron, manganese, nitrate, chloride, and fluoride (WHO, 2000)

    Water treatment plants typically clean water by taking it through the following processes:

    1. aeration;
    2. Coagulation;
    3. Sedimentation;
    4. Filtration;
    5. Disinfection


    The versatility of the sand filter is reflected in the numerous design variations that have been developed to address many different climatic and development conditions

    Slow Sand

    It incorporated sand with an effective size of fine sand. This very fine sand produced good quality of water of low turbidity.

    Rapid Sand

    Rapid sand filter might vary in effective size of coarse sand.

    Mixed Media

    Development of the coarse-to-fine principle of filtration has taken place in two major steps.

    Basically this provides a two-layer filter in which coarse upper of coal ( 1.4) acts as a roughing filter to reduce the load of particulates applied to the sand ( 2.64) below. Dual media filter can retain more material removed from water than sand filter. The size of the media particles should be uniformly graded from coarse-to-fine in the direction of flow through a filter bed.

    The British Geological survey (BGS, 1998) suggests that within the zone of water table fluctuation and where residence times are short, arsenic is flushed away or immobilised.

    Soil Purifies Water

    Santee, California, USA, a suburb of San Diego provides unusual approach to sewage treatment. Water is pumped from oxidation ponds into one or another of the basins, where it slowly soaked through soil. The water is purified variety of ways while it is contact with the soil:

    • First, it is filtered; contaminants in the wastewater become lodged in the voids and spaces that exist in all soils, much as occurs in an activated carbon filter (Coffel, 1991).
    • Some toxic are rendered harmless when they react with elements in the soil;
    • Others become part of the soil;
    • Countless microbes inhibit in most soil. Micro-organisms in soil remove nitrogen, germs, bacteria, and viruses.

    State officials of Santee were far from convinced that the system would produce really clean water. They were especially concerned that viruses would find through the system. However, after extensive testing, with special attention to viral organisms, the state approved the water.

    Soil is, in fact, more resilient in handling the constantly changing blends of toxic materials. The diverse community of organism present in soil are better able to react to changes in the chemistry of the wastewater to be treated. Soil filters are more effective when plants are grown on them.

    Clays also adsorb arsenic because of the oxide-like character of their edges, as do carbonates. Of these components, adsorption by iron oxides is probably most important in sandy aquifers because of their greater abundance and the strong binding affinity. Nevertheless, if studies of soil phosphate are a guide, then aluminium oxides can also be expected to play a significant role when present in quantity. Experience from water treatment (Edwards, 1994) suggests that below pH 7.5 aluminium hydroxides are about as effective as iron hydroxides (on a molar basis) for adsorbing As (V) but that iron salts are more efficient at higher pH and for adsorbing As (III). Arsenic (V), like phosphate.

    Surface water percolates through (4-6 meters) soil, silty sand and accumulates in fine to medium sand  (aquifer) of dug wells. If dug wells are constructed with proper care, natural biological system removes nitrogen, germs, bacteria and viruses.

    Our ancestor knew this wisdom. Even now people say, “Drink crystal clear water. Don’t drink water with micro-organisms!”

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    6. Identification of facies change within contaminated area and locate and construct arsenic free wells

    There are wells that are highly contaminated but a few wells show ground water arsenic concentration is far below Bangladesh standard. Based on an understanding of the geological origins of contamination, it may be possible to identify areas or strata that are at relatively low risk of arsenic contamination. In some areas arsenic contamination is confined to highly localized sedimentary deposits.

    If these hot spots are identified through widespread arsenic testing, new wells can be preferentially installed in relatively safe areas. In areas where some geological units are arseniferous and others are not, it is important to avoid cross-contamination, which can occur in several ways. In some cases, the arsenic-rich zones may be naturally in hydraulic connection with arsenic-free zones.

    By pumping water from arsenic-free zones, arsenic-rich water may be induced to flow into previously uncontaminated strata, and eventually may reach the well. In other cases, the arsenic-rich and arsenic-free zones may be separated by low-permeability materials such as clays. Drilling can disturb this natural barrier, and the borehole itself (specifically, the annular space around the well pipe) may provide a high-permeability conduit from one zone to another.

    When wells are drilled with mechanical rotary rigs, it is possible to inject impermeable material such as grouting or clay into this annular space at the level of the impermeable layer, to prevent this kind of contamination. However, in many developing countries, grouting is not used, either to save money or because the drilling technologies are not compatible with grouting.

    Arsenic-free wells might become contaminated over time through a third mechanism: arsenic could initially be present in a stable, solid form in aquifer sediments. If the geochemistry of the pore water, especially the pH and redox potential, should change, arsenic could become mobilized, and make its way into the abstracted groundwater.

    It may sound puzzling but the aquifers are different. Local relief and rivers impact on the direction and velocity of groundwater flow and therefore on the migration of arsenic. Groundwater flow from high to low relief causes deeper penetration contaminants into the aquifer. The reverse is true in areas that are low in relief. Here upward groundwater movement would bring contaminants to shallower horizons.

    A sound knowledge on underground geology, hydrology it is possible to identify arsenic free aquifer at shallow depths. This is a very cheap and highly acceptable alternative.

    We have identified a channel sand facies at Khalil Pur, Faridpur

    At Khailpur most of the wells are arsenic contaminated but in some areas a few wells found to be arsenic free. At Kahailpur after 12 drilling arsenic free aquifer has been identified at depths 40-55 feet within channel sand facies.

    At Alipur and Vashan Char, Ambikapur, Faridpur we have identified at 40-55 channel sand facies with arsenic free aquifers.

    This method can be applied to other areas for easy and cheap access of arsenic free water. This needs careful formation evaluation and routine monitoring.  Hammer drilling equipment or vibro-core is required; unfortunately it is not available in Bangladesh.

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    7. Rainwater collection (harvesting) and filtration

    The concentrations of arsenic in the atmosphere are usually low but as noted above, are increased by inputs from smelting and other industrial operations, fossil-fuel combustion and volcanic activity. Concentrations amounting to around 10–5–10–3µgm–3 have been recorded in unpolluted areas, increasing to 0.003–0.18µgm–3 in urban areas and greater than 1µgm–3 close to industrial plants (PCS/WHO, 2001). Much of the atmospheric arsenic is particulate. Total arsenic deposition rates have been calculated in the range <1–1000µgm–2yr–1 depending on the relative proportions of wet and dry deposition and proximity to contamination sources (Schroeder et al., 1987). Values in the range 38–266µgm–2yr–1 (29–55% as dry deposition) were estimated for the mid-Atlantic coast (Scudlark and Church, 1988).

    In areas with low population density and hard rocks surfaces (rock outcrops or cement), rainwater can be collected from the ground surface by constructing microdams to channel surface runoff into underground storage tanks. In more densely populated areas, rooftop collection is more common. Corrugated iron roofs are ideally suited for this purpose, though terra cotta or wood tiles, or concrete roofs are also acceptable. Thatched roofs are not appropriate for rainwater collection, as the collected water is high in organic matter. These roofs, however, can be made suitable with the simple use of inexpensive plastic sheeting. Roofs should be cleaned thoroughly at the beginning of every rainy season, regular maintenance is also crucial.

    Water is collected from the roof surface in gutters, which are connected to a storage tank with a downpipe. In order to minimize the amount of contamination and organic matter in collected water, a fine mesh netting or coarse sand filter should be placed between the downpipe and the storage tank. This will also help to keep insects and small animals out of the tank, and has been shown to improve water quality, and reduce the risk of mosquito breeding.

    When rain falls after a dry period, water should not be collected for the first ten to fifteen minutes, in order to clean the collection surface. This ‘first flush’ can be achieved through use of a bypass valve, or through a variety of simple designs.


    A rainwater storage tank should be completely covered, and have a tap or pump for withdrawing water, to prevent contamination from users. If water is stored in open containers, or users dip cups or pitchers in a tank to retrieve water, the stored water can easily become contaminated with fecal pathogens.

    The amount of storage required will depend on local rainfall patterns, especially on the extent of dry seasons. If rainfall is scarce or absent for several months, large tanks will be required, or alternate sources of drinking water used during the dry season. In rainy periods, small, inexpensive tanks are able to provide adequate storage for most household needs.

    Aboveground tanks can be made of locally available materials such as brick or cement. Ferrocement (cement reinforced with iron mesh or wires) is much stronger than cement, so ferrocement tanks can be thinner and less expensive than simple cement or brick tanks. Prefabricated plastic tanks can also be used, though these are not as easy for rural users to repair, and may impart a taste to the stored water. Tanks should be cleaned at least annually, and if possible, disinfected.

    Underground storage tanks can be quite large, and have smaller unit capital costs. However, underground tanks are more vulnerable to contamination from surface waters, flooding, and animal invasion, more difficult to clean, and require the use of a pump to draw water to the surface

    Water Quality

    The bacteriological quality of rainwater will depend on the collection and storage methods. In a well-designed system, pathogenic bacteria counts are low in collected rainwater, and the conditions (lack of light or food source) do not promote their growth. Under these conditions pathogen levels will actually decrease with storage, rather than increase. Typically, some coliform bacteria can be found in collected rainwater, but usually the bacteria are not fecal in origin (Pacey and Cullis, 1986).

    Several reviews of bacteriological quality of rainwater have been made: in some cases, fecal and total coliform counts are extremely low (e.g. Dillaha and Zolan, 1985), but more commonly low levels of coliform bacteria are found. Typical fecal and total coliform counts in water collected from rooftops average 5-15 and 25-75 per 100 ml, respectively (e.g. Pinfold et al., 1993; Appan, 1997; Simmons et al., 1999a).

    By examining the ratio of fecal coliforms to fecal streptococci, Appan showed that approximately 80% of the fecal contamination was of non-human origin, presumably from animal droppings on the rooftop (Appan, 1997). Simmons and others found similar coliform counts in rural New Zealand, though occasionally counts were significantly higher (maximum total and fecal coliforms were 19,000 and 840 per 100 ml). Two samples showed Cryptosporidium, but none showed Giardia, Campylobacter, or Legionella pneumophila (Simmons et al., 1999a).

    Yaziz and others found moderate levels of coliform bacteria in rainwater collected from rooftops, and showed that the highest counts were in the first samples collected during a rainfall. When samples were collected after a ‘first flush’ equivalent to 35 liters per 100 square meters of roof catchment area, no fecal coliforms could be detected, and total coliforms were reduced by over 50% (Yaziz et al., 1989).

    Bacterialogical studies of rain water in project area:

    Samples rain water harvesting units

    Total Colioform

    E- Coli

    1 unclean roof


    - (absent)

    2 unclean roof



    3 unclean roof



    4 unclean roof



    5 unclean roof



    6 clean roof



    7 clean roof



    8 clean roof



    9 clean roof



    10 clean roof



    11 clean roof



    12 clean roof



    13 sand filtration



    14 sand filtration



    15 sand filtration



    16 sand filtration



    17 sand filtration



    18 sand filtration



    19 sand filtration



    20 sand filtration



    21 sand filtration



    22 sand filtration



    23 sand filtration



    24 sand filtration



    If bacterial quality of stored water is unacceptable, disinfection process is followed as described. All rainwater samples after filter do not show presence of coliform bacteria.

    Rainwater is much less mineralized than surface water and groundwater, which can give the water a flat taste which some may find objectionable. In parts of South America, ground tree bark is added to rainwater to improve taste; elsewhere crushed seeds, curd from sour milk, or tree leaves are used in the same way (Pacey and Cullis, 1986).

    Although collected rainwater commonly contains low levels of coliform bacteria, in many cases it is of much better microbiological quality than other available water sources. Chemical parameters, especially pH and lead and zinc levels, should be monitored regularly to ensure that appropriate water quality standards are met. In most cases, however, the relative purity of rainwater makes it an attractive option in areas with uniformly high arsenic levels in other water sources. A large literature on the collection, storage, treatment, and distribution of rainwater exists, drawing on experiences from around the world. For more detailed information, the reader should consult the excellent reports produced by ENSIC (Gould, 1991), IRC (IRC, 1981; IRC, 1990), ITDG (Pacey and Cullis, 1986; Cullis and Pacey, 1991; Gould and Nissen-Petersen, 1999), and UNEP (UNEP, 1983). In recent years, several valuable websites have been set up with ready reference material on the application of rainwater collection and storage. Many such sites exist, two good introductory sites containing many links are (IRCSA, 2001) and (EU, 2001).

    Studies in Thailand, India, and Sri Lanka, show that properly stored rainwater is

    Safe from bacteria, and can be stored for many months. Also, research in Bangladesh by the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh, (ICDDR) confirms that rainwater can be a safe drinking water source. Rainwater is very low in dissolved minerals, and as such is relatively corrosive. This lack of minerals may also cause mineral deficiency in the diets of poorly nourished consumers. Fruits like banana, mango, jackfruit etc. are advised to take regularly. The relative purity of rainwater makes it an attractive option in areas with uniformly high arsenic levels in other water sources

    We have found keen interest on rainwater collection in the arsenic affected areas. We have selected all local materials and local carpenters and potters made rainwater collecting 12 units at worst affected poor rural areas. Water filter is also under construction. It is possible to collect a huge amount of rainwater. Rainwater collection makes the life of the women comfortable, as they do not require carrying water from a long distance. Advertisement in the newspaper to use rain- water does not have any affect on villagers. If simple method is shown practically, the villagers can easily repeat it.

    • Rainwater collection is very popular.
    • Women collects water from far distance and water at house door is a great relief for the women.
    • Food tastes better like rice, lentil.
    • This is possible to store rainwater for the whole year. The tank may be costly but cheaper than any other arsenic removal plants.
    • Small rainwater tank for Tulagram Primary School children (650 students) has been successful. This has been constructed with coarse sand and brick chips with mix media sand filter at the top. It sweats and wind keeps the water cool.

    List of Rainwater Harvesting Units:

    Sl. No.




    Yunus Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Nammu Sk

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Dirajuddin Mollah

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Latif Mollah

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Mohiguddin Mollah

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Razzaque Paramanik

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Kusha Paramanik

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Shiraj Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Delwar Mollah

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Mannan Mollah

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Hafez Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Kamal Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Jabbar khan

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Majid Khan

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Shantu Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Haroon Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Zamsher Khan

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Ahamed Bepari

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Faju Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Azad Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Ishaque Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Falu Dewan

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Rafique Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Razzaque Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Jalil Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Zakir Sk.

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Obaidul Mollah

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union


    Abzal fakir

    Tulagram, Kozuri Union



    Ratan Pramanik

    Purbogangabarti, Kojuri Union


    Infar Mondal



    Mazed Sk.



    Billal Sk



    Shemala Begum



    Shaeed Sk.



    Morad Khan



    Amzed Khan



    Hashem Sk.



    Ismail Sk.



    Zahid Bepary



    Mannan Sk



    Rab Sk.



    Siraj Sk.



    Qubad Sk.



    Zahid mondal



    Ripon Mondal



    Shamsu Mattabar



    Rob Mollah



    Anwar Mollah



    Samad Mollah



    Ayub Ali Sk.



    Tara Mollah



    Dulal Sk.



    Shaheed Mondal



    Baten Miah



    Suiddique Fakir



    Falany Sk.



    Mannan Fakir



    Qader Mattbar




    Zainal Sk.

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur


    Murad Sk.

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur


    Ishaque Sk.

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur


    Yunus Sk.

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur


    Nurul Islam Mollah

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur


    Mojahar Sk.

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur


    Salam Sk.

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur


    Tayeeb Bepari

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur


    Madhi Paramanik

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur


    Jahid Sk.

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur


    Rahim Sk.

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur


    Ismail Fakir

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur


    Razzaque Sk.

    Utter Alipur, Fardpur



    Isaque Fakir

    Vashan Char, Ambikapur


    Siddique Sk.

    Vashan Char, Ambikapur


    Jalail Sk.

    Vashan Char, Ambikapur


    Ahad Mollah

    Vashan Char, Ambikapur


    Kabir Mollah

    Vashan Char, Ambikapur


    Moksud Mondal

    Vashan Char, Ambikapur



    Vashan Char, Ambikapur



    Vashan Char, Ambikapur



    Vill. Ambikapur



    Vill. Ambikapur



    Vill. Ambikapur



    Vill. Ambikapur



    Vill. Ambikapur



    Akkas Ali

    Shovarampur Basti


    Tota Ali

    Shovarampur Basti


    Nur Hossain Bepari

    Shovarampur Basti


    Emran sk.

    Shovarampur Basti


    Selim Bepari

    Shovarampur Basti


    Halim Sardar

    Shovarampur Basti


    Shujan Ali

    Shovarampur Basti


    Nayan Ali

    Shovarampur Basti


    Delwar Mollah

    Shovarampur Basti


    Aziz Mollah

    Shovarampur Basti


    Ranu Begum

    Shovarampur Basti


    Sham Bepari

    Shovarampur Basti


    Jani Bepari

    Shovarampur Basti


    Tazel Mollah

    Shovarampur Basti



    Mannan Khan

    Klub Bazar, Koizuri Union


    Gopal Mazumdar

    Klub Bazar, Koizuri Union


    Barek Mollah

    Klub Bazar, Koizuri Union


    Ramizuddin Mollah

    Klub Bazar, Koizuri Union


    Shanal Mollah

    Klub Bazar, Koizuri Union


    Asim Mollah

    Klub Bazar, Koizuri Union


    Nimala Khatun

    Klub Bazar, Koizuri Union


    Shamsuddin Mollah

    Klub Bazar, Koizuri Union


    Salam Mollah

    Klub Bazar, Koizuri Union

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    8. Arsenic Test

    Most of the current field test kits are based on the Gutzeit method which involves the reduction of As(III) and As(V) by zinc to give arsine gas which is then used to produce a stain on mercuric bromide paper. Hydrogen sulphide gas is removed with zinc acetate-treated glass wool. There have been many studies of the sensitivity and reliability of these kits, particularly in India and Bangladesh. The early kits were usually good at detecting high-As waters (say greater than 100 µgl–1) but often were found to have rather poor reliability at lower concentrations. Ideally a field test kit for arsenic should be:

    • sensitive and reliable – it should be quantitative at the 5–200 µgl–1 level and have a precision that is about the same as, or slightly better than, the short-term variability observed in the field, say ± 20 percent or ± 5 µgl–1 for low concentrations;
    • robust – it should be able to maintain a good performance for long periods under actual field conditions assuming reasonable care is taken;
    • simple to use – it should be designed to be as simple as possible to use by field workers with the minimum of technical training and supervision;
    • affordable – it must not be so expensive as to preclude its use either in terms of capital or recurrent costs;
    • safe to use – it must not pose a hazard to the user or environment even after heavy use.

    We have used test kits of Merck.

    Comment: Merck Kit gives reliable result but humidity (above 90%) and temperature (above 25şC) make the chemical inactive after two weeks use. Temperature can be regulated with cool box but not the humidity. We advise Merck to produce one hundred sealed chemicals for each test kit for use in tropical countries.

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    9. Analysis from selected samples

    The hazardous substances used and expelled to nature by the industries are as follows:

    Arsenic - agriculture, phosphate manufacture, fertilizer production, leather tanning;

    Chromium - pulp and paper mills, fertilisers, leather tanning, cement works, steel works, glass works;

    Copper - pulp and paper mills, fertiliser manufacture, chemical works;

    Lead - paint manufacture, battery manufacture, chemical manufacture, pulp and paper mills, fertiliser manufacture, petroleum refining;

    Nickel - pulp and paper mills, petroleum refining;

    Most toxic trace metals occur in solution as cations (e.g. Pb2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Cd2+, Co2+, Zn2+), which generally become increasingly insoluble as the pH increases. At the near-neutral pH typical of most ground waters, the solubility of most trace-metal cations is severely limited by precipitation as, or co precipitation with, an oxide, hydroxide, carbonate or phosphate mineral, or more likely by their strong adsorption to hydrous metal oxides, clay or organic matter.

    In contrast, most oxyanions including arsenate tend to become less strongly sorbed as the pH increases (Dzombak and Morel, 1990). Under some conditions at least, these anions can persist in solution at relatively high concentrations (tens of µgl–1) even at near-neutral pH values. Therefore the oxyanion-forming elements such as Cr, As, U and Se are some of the most common trace contaminants in ground waters.

    We have found few wells containing high amount of nickel and nitrate. These are most possibly anthropogenic source.


    Semi qualitative analysis of available TSP fertilisers in the market shows a high amount of arsenic. This was also reported in 2000 (Anwar, Arsenic Poisoning in Bangladesh). Agriculture Department should take necessary action.

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    10. Desinfection

    Monitoring Pathogens:

    Most commonly, the presence or level of abundance of colioform bacteria is used as an overall indicator of contamination of the water with faceal material. Coliform bacteria can be readily isolated, identified and counted from water sample. Despite these advantages, colioforms are by no means can be used as indicators of fact real contamination. The presence of viruses or parasites is not routinely used to indicate faecal contamination; it is advisable, for reasons of public health, to monitor water for their presence.

    Isolating, identifying and counting viruses are difficult and less agreement on standard methods. In view of the difficulties of isolating, and identifying viruses from water, it would be advantageous for routine monitoring purposes to use a single, readily-indefinable virus species as an indicator of the possible presence of pathogenic viruses.

    Monitoring for parasites requires skilled personnel. The most common method of identifying parasites is under direct examination, under the microscope, of water sample, the various life stages of parasitic organisms.


    The list of potential waterborne diseases due to micro organisms is considerably larger and includes bacterial, viral, and parasitic microrganisms shown below:


    V. cholera, Salmonella, salmonella,



    Infectious hepatitis,

    Coxsackie A and B (32 types),

    Reoviruses (3 types),

    ECHO viruses (34 types),

    Adenoviruses (32 types)

    Viral gastroentertis

    Viral diarrhea


    E. histolytica,

    Amebiasis, Giradiasis,

    Amoebic mening-ocephalitis,



    There are several outbreaks of severe waterborne diseases even from groundwater supplies in the advanced industrial countries (In the USA during 1971-78 there were 15 outbreaks of waterborne viral hepatitis and hepatitis A has been implicated in 68 outbreaks since 1946, 1965 – California salmonella outbreak,1892 cholera out break in Hamburg, Germany etc).

    In Bangladesh seious outbreak of waterborne diseases is reported even drinking water from shallow groundwater (Tubewell). Drinking water from shallow groundwater has decreased waterborne diseases but it has not eliminated all diseases. Additional treatment is required namely, disinfect ion, the most important treatment process for the prevention of waterborne disease.

    The following methods of disinfection is carried by the water supplies all over the world:

    Physical Disinfection

    Boiling can effectively kill ova, cysts, bacteria, and viruses present in water. Water should be brought to a full rolling boil, and maintained for one minute. Water boils at lower temperatures at higher altitudes, so for every 1000 meters of elevation an additional minute of boiling should be required.

    Boiling is generally not recommended for several reasons:

    1. It requires a large amount of fuel;
    2. It may give the water a flat, unpleasant taste; there is a risk that people may heat the water without boiling, and consider the water purified.
    3. Boiling in closed kettles can concentrate some volatile organic compounds.
    4. Large-scale boiling is not a feasible option for drinking water in most cases because fuel costs would be prohibitive (WHO, 1997).

    Desinfection By Coagulation, Settling, Filtration and adsorption processes

    coagulation and filtration systems are managed properly, removal of 90 to 99% of bacteria and viruses, and over 90% of protozoa can be expected (Salvato, 1992, p. 346). However, a safety dose of chlorine should be given following filtration, to destroy any remaining pathogens, and impart a residual disinfectant to the water.

    Chlorination at any stage of treatment can produce harmful disinfection by-products, depending upon the dose and composition of the treated water. The health risks posed by these by-products are smaller than the risks posed by pathogens, so disinfection should not be neglected simply to avoid by-product formation.

    1. Chemical Desinfection
      • Chlorine
      • Iodine
      • Bromine
      • Ozone
    2. Alternative Desinfectants:
      • Heat Treatment
      • Ultraviolet Irradiation
      • Metal Ions

    The Swiss research centre EAWAG has shown that by storing water in clear bottles and exposing them to at least 4 hours of sunlight, over 99% pathogen removal can be achieved. The sunlight both heats and irradiates the water, and these two processes have a synergistic effect on pathogen removal. Raw water must have low turbidity (<30 NTU), for radiation to penetrate sufficiently. Bacteria, viruses, Giardia and Cryptosporidium cysts, and parasite eggs can all be effectively inactivated through the combination of ultraviolet radiation and elevated water temperature.

    Studies show that pathogen inactivation was initially low, but as water temperature rose above about 50°C, the effects of radiation and elevated temperature acted synergistically, resulting in increased inactivation efficiency. This technique, called SODIS (Solar Disinfection) involves very minimal capital and operational costs, and is promising, both for use in arsenic-affected areas, and for rural water supply in general.

    Disinfection By Coagulation, Settling,

    Filtration and adsorption processes

    The chemical coagulation process has been noted by several researchers as providing high degrees of removal of viruses.

    Alum coagulation was found to remove 95 to 99 of Coxsackie virus and ferric chloride was found to be remove 92 to 94 percent of the same virus (Berg. G., 1971) Aluminium coordinates with carboxyl groups of the virus’s protein coat, followed by incorporation of complex into precipitating hydrated aluminium oxide.

    Lime coagulation has demonstrated the ability to effectively remove and inactive viruses. The mechanism of inactivation under alkaline conditions is caused by denaturation of the protein coat and by disruption of the virus. In some cases, complete integrity of the virus may occur under high pH conditions.

    Clear water

    In the USA the plants producing very clear water also tended to secure low bacterial accounts accompanied by low incidence of viral diseases. Rural population of Bangladesh refuses to use surface water as it is not clear.  Turbidity in water can be a health hazard. In general, it interferes with

    • disinfection, by creating a possible shield for disease-causing organisms,
    • maintaining an effective chlorine residual, and
    • bacteriological testing of water.

    The modern concept of water treatment, coagulation and filtration are inseparable. Good coagulants are also efficient filter aids. The crucial direct relationship of coagulation to optimum filterability has been overlooked in the past. One is to establish the primary dosage of coagulant for maximum filterability rather than for production of the most rapid settling floc. A second approach is to add a dose of second coagulent as a filter aid to the settled water.


    The Egyptians practiced a form of coagulation as early as 2000 B.C. Alum was known to the early Romans of 2000 B.C. By 1757 muddy water in England was treated withg 2-3 grains of

    alum per qt, followed by flocculation and filtration of the supernatant. In England from about 1885, coagulation (1.5 grains per gallon) was employed ahead of sand filtration. Several inorganic salts of iron and aluminium are available commercially for coagulation:

    Common Name



    Al2(SO4) . 14 H2O



    Ferric Chloride

    FeCl3 . 6 H2O

    Ferric Sulfate

    Fe2SO4. 3 H2O


    FeSo4 . 7H2O

    Sodium Aluminate


    Results after Lime, Chlorine and Alum (Adsorption/Coagulation/Setting) in Dug Wells:

    Samples dug holes

    Total Colioform

    E- Coli


    - (absent)

    - (absent)





































































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    11. Water Filter with local materials


    Water may be treated differently in different communities depending on the quality of the water which enters the plant. Groundwater is water located under ground and typically requires less treatment than water from lakes, rivers, and streams.


    Water in lakes, rivers, and swamps often contains impurities that make it look and smell bad. The water may also contain bacteria and other microbiological organisms that can cause disease. Consequently, water from surface sources must be "cleaned" before it can be consumed by people. Water treatment plants typically clean water by taking it through the following processes:

    Filtration; and

    Demonstration projects for the first four processes are included below:

    OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the procedures that municipal water plants use to purify water for drinking.


    5 Litters of "swamp water" (or add 2 cups of dirt or mud to 5 litters of water)
    1 Two litter plastic soft drink bottle with its cap (or cork that fits tightly into the neck
    2 Two litter plastic soft drink bottles - one bottle with the top removed and one bottle with the bottom removed.
    1 One and one half Litter (or larger) beaker or another soft drink bottle bottom
    20 grams of alum (potassium aluminium sulphate - approximately 2 tablespoons; available in pharmacy or spice isle in grocery store)
    Fine sand (about 800 ml in volume)
    Coarse sand (about 800 ml in volume)
    Small pebbles (about 400 ml in volume) (Hint: washed natural rocks will work)
    1 large (500 ml or larger) beaker or jar
    1 paper filter or cloth
    1 rubber band
    1 tablespoon
    A clock with a second hand or a stopwatch


    1. Pour about 1.5 L of "Swamp Water" into a 2 L Bottle. Have students describe the appearance and smell of the water.

    2. Aeration is the addition of air to water. It allows gases trapped in the water to escape and adds oxygen to the water. Place the cap on the bottle and shake the water vigorously for 30 seconds. Continue the aeration process by pouring the water into either one of the cut-off bottles, then pouring the water back and forth between the cut-off bottles 10 times. Ask students to describe any changes they observe. Pour the aerated water into a bottle with its top cut off.

    3. Coagulation is the process by which dirt and other suspended solid particles are chemically "stuck together" into flock so that they can be removed from water. With the tablespoon, add 20 g of alum crystals to the swamp water. Slowly stir the mixture for 5 minutes.

    4. Sedimentation is the process that occurs when gravity pulls the particles of flock (clumps of alum and sediment) to the bottom of the cylinder. Allow the water to stand undisturbed in the cylinder. Ask students to observe the water at 5-minute intervals for a total of 20 minutes and write their observations with respect to changes in the water's appearance.

    5. Construct a filter from the bottle with its bottom cut off as follows:

    a. Attach the coffee filter to the outside neck of the bottle with a rubber band.
    Turn the bottle upside down and pour a layer of pebbles into the bottle - the filter will prevent the pebbles from falling out of the neck.

    b. Pour the coarse sand on top of the pebbles.

     c. Pour the fine sand on top of the coarse sand.

    d. Clean the filter by slowly and carefully pouring through 5 L (or more) of clean tap water. Try not to disturb the top layer of sand as you pour the water.

    6. Filtration through a sand and pebble filter removes most of the impurities remaining in water after coagulation and sedimentation have taken place. After a large amount of sediment have settled on the bottom of the bottle of swamp water, carefully - without disturbing the sediment - pour the top two-thirds of the swamp water through the filter. Collect the filtered water in the beaker. Pour the remaining (one-third bottle) of swamp water back into the collection container. Compare the treated and untreated water. Ask students whether treatment has changed the appearance and smell of the water.

    Advised students that the final step at the treatment plant is to add disinfectants to the water to purify it and kill any organisms that may be harmful, because the disinfectants are caustic and must be handled carefully.

    The adsorption of arsenic by iron oxides is a very important natural process that is to a large extent responsible for preventing widespread arsenic toxicity problems in nature. Arsenic is very strongly   adsorbed by iron oxides, especially under oxidising and slightly acidic conditions. This is often the basis for the removal of arsenic during water treatment.

    The amount of adsorption is described by the adsorption isotherm which relates the concentration of arsenic adsorbed to its concentration in solution. Once this is known for a wide range of conditions then many properties can be calculated, including the percentage of arsenic adsorbed as a function of pH ( the likely efficiency of arsenic removal plants and the extent of retardation of arsenic during movement through soils and aquifers.


    Naturally dug wells filters water itself, if dug wells are constructed properly after geological investigations and understanding ground water flow conditions. We have added three layers of sand within dug wells that filters the water.

    (US Dollars 5) –
    too expensive for rural population.
    Simple filter: layers of burnt clay
    charcoal, sand, brick chips,clay pebble

    Additionally we have introduced three layer of rounded clay pebbles, brick chips, coarse and fine sand filter in traditional clay pot used by the villagers to make brown sugar from date juice. Villagers can easily reproduce such simple filter. We have distributed thousands of leaflets – how to make simple sand filter.

    Technology since thousands of year – to save energy clay pots are dried in the sun and later burned
    by wood in a close system. For colouring and glancing pots, clay potters use seeds and feruginous clay.
    A dying tradition!!!

    We have innovated clay potters of Mallikpur to produce simple filter (like popular “Surma Filter”) with candle (sand, clay) that stops colio bacteria and reduces arsenic concentration. We have not invested any project money for its development. Villagers will soon market it in weekly market (Hat) and bazaars.

    Result obtained after mix media sand filtration:

    Samples dug holes

    Total Colioform

    E- Coli


    - (absent)

    - (absent)






































































    Water pumps can be set, if the aquifer contains medium sand and older dug wells, where dug well rings are stable.

    We recommend not to use water pumps in dug wells due to following reasons:

    • Dug well rings sinks during first two year and pump with pipes can displace the wall of the dug well. We had three cases, which have been corrected.
    • Better oxygenetaion occurs with traditional bucket system, with bamboo weight lifter.
    • There is a misuse of water, if water pump is added. Too much use of pump and water make difficult for natural replacement of water.

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    12. Arsenic Free Village

    Hamida improved her health after drinking arsenic free water and
    cucurma juice in three months.

    Purbo Gangabarti Village, at Koijorri Union, Faridpur is one of the worst arsenic affected areas of Bangladesh. 12 persons have already died and several at present suffering from arseniocosis because of drinking arsenic contaminated water. Villagers do not have any alternative but to drink arsenic contaminated water. Honourable Minister for Forestry and Environment, Mr. shajahan Siraj MP and Honourable Minister for Relief and disaster Mr. Chowdhury Ibne Yousuf Kamal, MP, visited this village on 28. 07.02.

    Ten persons died and hundreds were suffering due to drinking arsenic contaminated water.

    We have made available to all villagers to obtain arsenic free water. We have achieved a very cordial relation with the villagers. Villagers prepared food, rice cakes for the workers. We have installed 7 dug holes and 25-rain water harvesting units in this village.

    Preparation of traditional rice cake

    Preparation of traditional banana leaf
    plates for the celebration.

    After three months drinking arsenic free water a general improvement of health has taken place. They celebrate again festivals. Instead using polythene papers for food, they use banana leaf plates. The most burning problem is unemployment among the women.

    Woman of Purbogangabarti again preparing traditional quilt.

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    13. Home Garden - To Save Herbs and Traditional Plants from Extinction

    This project supports traditional plants that are threatened to extinct.

    While travelling arsenic affected areas in Bangladesh, it was a great surprise, to hear that many arsenic affected wome n after trying many modern medicine switched to the juice of raw  Haldi (turmeric) and found astonishingly good result. Use of turmeric is widely known in ancient Ayurveda.  There were thousands of useful plants, but current statistics show devastation of vast areas of remaining  underdeveloped  surface of our world and, with that destruction, the inevitable extinction of thousands of species of plants. In Bengali many of these plants have beautiful poetic names indicating passion for generation to generation. In Bengali traditional plant doctors are called “Kabi Raj”, king of the poets!

    Students planting neem trees

    Home Gardens- Stability of Ecosystem

    Home or kitchen garden system proposed by Gonzalez (1985) and Allison (1983) is one of the agro-ecosystem that seems to be well adapted ecologically to tropics. Such gardens existed in this sub-continent (India) but due to reduction of land by farmers year to year and introduction of industrial/pharmaceutical products from the cities this valuable heritage is now gradually disappearing.

    A home garden with an overstory of trees and an under story of a mixture of herbs, small trees permits year-round harvesting of food products, as well as wide range of other products used by the local people, such as firewood, medical plants, spices and ornamentals. Relatively high species diversity provides resource-conserving and ecological sound farming system.

    Neem Azadirachta indica The Wonder Plant

    “Azad dhirakat “ from the Persian means “Excellent Tree, Noble Tree” referring to the usefulness and the considerable economic importance of the genus. Locally named in Bangladesh as nim, in India as nimba, nimuri etc., Nepal as nim, Tibetan  as nim-pa, traditionally used to make medicine and pesticides. Prof. Heinrich Schmutterer, Department of Phytopathology and Entomology working since thirty years on Neem tree and termed, “Neem is the one of the most fascinated trees of the world”. In Bangladesh villagers brash their teeth with Neem branch.

    The use of Neem in Bangladesh has been dramatically reduced due to destruction of the trees and emerges of chemical industries. Most of Bangladesh was originally forested with coastal mangroves backed by swamp forests and a broad plain of tropical moist deciduous forest (IUCN, 1987). After deforestation the Asian Development Bank (The World Bank) funded forestation programme selected exotic species from abroad like Eucalyptus sp., Dalibergia Sisso, Leucaena leucocephla, Swiietnia macrophulla, and Leucocedha switternia. which grow faster than local natural tress depleting soil and environment. Unfortunately, Neem was not included in the list. About one hundred year ago Neem plant was imported to Africa, where other plants die because of locus/insects attacks but only Neem flourish with wide branches and leaves. I have seen in Sudan only Neem tree survived, whereas other trees perished. Neem tree can easily grow in sandy soils of coastal area of Bangladesh.

    Leaf, bark, seed and all part of Neem tree contain useful substances that can be taken as tee, oil and prepared medicine remedy dust allergy, fever, skin diseases, rheumatism etc (Roemmming, 1999, Natur). Professor Heinz Rembold, of famous Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany found any side effects of the use of Neem on human and soils do not contain any hazardous substance as a residue after being used as pesticides.

    In ancient Sanskrit literature (1500 BC) Neem regarded as life saving and disease preventive plant. It belongs to the family Meliaceae.

    13.1. Plantation of neem trees

    Plantation of Neem trees in high schools and Primary schools took great enthusiasm. The list of planted Neem trees:

    Name of the school


    Ansaruddin High School

    Committee Members



    Demrakandi High School

    Committee Members



    Demrakandi Primary school



    Kanaipur High school

    Committee Members



    Khalilpur High School

    Committee Members



    Khalilpur Primary School



    Tulagram Primary School

    Committee Members



    Villagers, Students from Ambikapur, Kanaipur, Khalilpur, Demrakandi -during visit of Honourable Minister for Environment and Forest on 28. 07.02



    Planted by Honourable Minister for Environment and Forest Ministry


    Badarpur Bazaar

    Planted by Honourable Minister for Environment and Forest Ministry




    Rest of the trees (15) are distributed among the students of Anasruddin High School, Ambikapur. Faridpur. It may be mentioned that about 100 trees were stolen from premise of Kabi jasimuddin’s house. We hope that these are planted somewhere! We obtained additionally 30-neem tree donation and these are distributed through Environmental Protection Committee of Ansaruddin High School. The total number sapling distributed is 230.

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    14. Socio-cultural events

    We organised four village concerts on traditional Bichar Gan “Song of Justice” which continued the whole night. Motivation through traditional cultural heritage can conquer many obstacles. Mysticism is a type of human experience, which cannot be explained in terms of material calculation. It is a sense of sublimate, and endeavour to go beyond worldly acquirements, and quiet realization of one’s destiny:

    The body is not to blame, but the mind is errant
    how then can one recognise the righteous man?
    When you don’t know thyself
    You presume to probe the minds of others.
    First know thyself
    Only then you can understand the stranger:
    (Songs of Lalaon Shah, 1870 (?))

    Bayatis (Singers) have composed traditional songs to protect environment and to obtain arsenic free water. This has been filmed by the Bangladesh Television (BTV) and displayed as documentary film.

    In total seven musical evenings highlighted cultural events.

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    15. Social injustice

    While working in the remote villages of Faridpur, we are shocked to report that several social injustice, oppression is occurring among the poorest group of the population. At Club Bazaar, the police detain Kozuri Union one person because the family did not have the bribe money. . A former and present law minister writes (Ahmed, 1995):

    To visit a jail is also to discover that nearly all prisoners are very poor. The visitor will soon come to realise that they are in prison only because they are poor. They have no one to fall back on in society, no means to go to court and, with no legal aid for them, they cannot even apply for bail.....The prisoners live in inhuman conditions, treated as slaves, fed as animals...... After being in jail for long as five years, the prisoner may be given a conviction of two years, with the result that he serves seven years altogether.... The crisis in the system of justice has now engulfed the nation leading to a loss confidence in the system as a whole.

    A woman at Purbo Gangabarti village was severely beaten by the agent, because she could not pay back her credit. She is still lying in coma at 250 bed hospital at Faridpur.The family is afraid to put any police case.

    NGOs in Bangladesh are flourishing under so called micro-credit programme. The 15 percent credit in real sense is about 30 percent. They appoint agents to collect the money and in case creditor cannot be pay back the credit they are severely oppressed. This reminds the tax collection by the East India Company during colonial time.

    A Managing Director of a decorated NGO in Faridpur with three stock computerized office proudly announced, “We started this loan program with only Tk. 2, 00000 and now we have bank balance of Tk. 40, 00000000 (1 US Dollars 0 =Tk. 60).”

    The poor priced out of criminal justice system

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    16. Conclusion

    This is a pleasure to inform that project goal has been achieved more than expected target. Educational program, dug wells, uncontaminated aquifer and rainwater harvesting have obtained great acceptance. At the same time, it is more painful that mitigation activities by BAMP (Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation Project, Public Health and Engineering) and others. Since January 2002 we have not seen any meaningful mitigation activities in Faridpur district, one of the worst affected areas of Bangladesh.

    Allan H Smith, a medical scientist of University of California, who undertook the study for WHO (2000) says at least 100,000 cases of debilitating skin lesions are believed to have already occurred in Bangladesh. "The response to the arsenic contamination is clear-cut, provide arsenic-free water the health of the population is at risk and relief cannot wait for further surveys."

    Guha Mazumder (1996) outlines a treatment regime for those suffering from arsenicosis. It is suggested that the first stage in treating those with arsenicosis should be the immediate cessation of consumption of arsenic contaminated water. But in Bangladesh most of the arsenic patient does not have access to arsenic free water.

    Government’s intention to go forward with deep tube wells in Faridpur is a very wrong decision as all deep tube wells found in Faridpur highly arsenic contaminated. We have found that after drilling deep wells, the villagers are advised to drink this water. We found these wells contain more arsenic than existing shallow well. The British Geological Survey is partly responsible as they announced that deep tube wells are arsenic free!!! The contractors can earn more money from deep tube wells than simple traditional methods (this project).

    There is a great misunderstanding on arsenic poisoning. It is easy to convince the persons with arsenic lesion to drink alternative water but those who does not has arsenic lesion think, it will not happen to him. Besides people has developed taste for drinking water containing iron. More educational program is needed. School curriculum should include biological contamination and arsenic in drinking water as a major subject.

    This has been observed many extreme contaminated areas were not visited by any NGOs or Government agencies. Some green coloured tube wells found to be above Bangladesh standard (arsenic contamination). We have identified many areas in Faridpur district that needs urgent help.

    At the same time it is more painful to write the sufferings of millions. There are hundreds of villages that either tested or obtained any mitigation. We have visited villages like Norsinhia, Madhabpur, Mallikpur, Boalmari, Kuzurdia, Bangdoba, Kasnail, Laskarkandi, Tulagram, Moradaha, Banogram, and many more that urgently needs arsenic free water. Our project is very small – only a drop of water to fill an ocean. It is very painful describe that we could not help numerous rural poor poisoned to painful sufferings and deaths.

    At present the direct sufferers of biodiversity loss are the poors that is the majority of 110 million populations. The existing projects mainly concern for the betterment of a privileged section of the population, whereas the poor continue to be the enemy, misunderstood and blamed for circumstances beyond their control. Development policy in Bangladesh has emphasised urban-based, modern-sector industrial development at the expense of the rural majority; indeed, sector budget allocations to agriculture and rural development have steadily declined since 1974 (Norwegian Aid Review).

    The per capita expenditure on education in Bangladesh is one of the lowest in the world. In 1992-93 national accounts expenditure for agriculture sector was only 4409 million Taka, whereas on defence sector it was 14960 million Taka (BBS, 1994). Besides since 1975 the military budget was revised upwards and other funds were channelled for the armed forces through the budget of other ministries - such as Ministry of Roads and Highways and Ministry of public Works and Urban Development (Ahmed, 1995).

    The principal objectives of the project are to introduce environmental consciousness education, cost-effective, efficient, user friendly and appropriate method of water purification, arsenic free water for the improvement of public health and overall protection of the environment.

    The followings are the output of the project:

    1. The benefits of this pilot project have reached approximately directly 10,000 and indirectly 100, 000 populations in Faridpur.
    2. This is the first time high school student and their teachers have participated in environment studies and have been able to identify their role in obtaining arsenic and disease free water.
    3. Participants of about six thousands students in high schools and two primary schools are now drinking arsenic free and disease free water.
    4. Traditional clay pottery is revived and pottery makers are motivated to produce cheap earth made filters to be used and sold in the local markets.
    5. The project leader has located geological closed aquifers that produce arsenic free water within a contaminated area.
    6. It was possible to make drinking water, free of arsenic and disease, available for an entire village of about 4500 populations. Previously there were several deaths and many suffered from arsenic contamination in this village.
    7. Our qualitative analysis shows that TSP fertilisers contain a very high amount of arsenic. We strongly recommend Agricultural Department to take necessary action to stop ground water contamination.
    8. Rainwater harvesting has been successful and participated by local population with equal enthusiasm.

    The message and activities on environment consciousness education, traditional method to purify water, rainwater, arsenic and bacteria free water, cultural gathering addressing the poor may be small but the impact will be great.

    We have spent less than 10 lachs taka (10, 0000 Tk; 60 Tk= 1 US Dollar) and hope that others follow it. Thousands villages still remained untouched – waiting for help (SOS)!

    On 28th July 2002 the students of Faridpur rural area demonstrated in the streets of Faridpur city demanding:

    • Arsenic and Disease Free Water for 68, 000 villages of Bangladesh;
    • Stop using hazardous agrochemicals;
    • Stop using irrigation with arsenic contaminated water;
    • Kumar River reconstruction and flood water irrigation.
    • Reintroduce traditional flood - water irrigation.

    Last Modified: August 25, 2004
